Sammy’s Law May Cause NYC to Lower Speed Limits to 20 MPH
After three years of a tireless campaign by grief-stricken mother Amy Cohen, "Sammy's Law" might be passed before the end of this year’s session on June 8th. This legislation would ...
After three years of a tireless campaign by grief-stricken mother Amy Cohen, "Sammy's Law" might be passed before the end of this year’s session on June 8th. This legislation would ...
New York state legislators are sponsoring a proposed bill aiming to grant lifetime pensions to the children of single-parent officers killed in the line of duty. The move comes following ...
Parents and advocates in New York are urging lawmakers to pass a proposed bill that would require Child Protective Services (CPS) to inform families of their rights before any investigation ...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has approved a bill prohibiting schools from requiring students and teachers to use preferred pronouns. The Let Kids be Kids bill package, backed by Senator Clay ...
On Tuesday, May 2nd, Florida legislators voted to approve a new immigration bill called SB 1718. The new bill restricts local governments from providing undocumented immigrants with identification, invalidates non-citizens' ...
According to reports, Governor Kathy Hochul's Administration has been accused of looking into implementing a permanent ban on tobacco products. The State Health Department is alleged to have commissioned Research ...
New York City Council members are looking to pass legislation that would ban the use of facial recognition and other technology used to identify people on business and residential properties. ...
The matter of charter schools and the possible increase of their numbers in New York City has come to garner attention once more. The issue is brought up by what ...
New York’s bail reform laws have been the topic of several conversations in the corridors of New York’s legislature. Governor Kathy Hochul, moderate Democrats, and Republicans have called for the ...