On the front of every LittleAfrica News edition, we speak about the crime in New York City. Crime rates are on the rise, with New Yorkers of all walks of life falling victim. No one is safe in the city. People are being shot on the train, on the street, by their schools, and in their homes. Gotham is burning.
Subways are unsafe, communities are unsafe, streets are awash in blood, children are being gunned down, guns and weapons being brought into schools. Low income New Yorkers to high income New Yorkers – no one is safe in NYC.
Children and adults are being shot, stabbed, and killed. Every day there is another Wild West Shoot Out in the news. The city believed Eric Adams when he said he would put an end to the crime. The city believed him when he promised New Yorkers would be safe. The city voted for him and business leaders gave him millions of dollars for his campaign. Now, the city is completely unsafe for everyone including their workers and their children.
Eric, Do Something.
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